Monday, July 4, 2011

Journey of a single mom....

Its been 10.5 months since Maegan has graced us with her presence. Everytime has been an adventure watching her turn into a little girl, from and infant. We have started walking, babbling, talking..Oh I could just go on and on about her. But one thing remains constant; Alex has yet to do anything productive.

When I was pregnant, I was nervous thatg Alex wasn't going to be a good dad. It freaked me out and worried me, because I knew how he was. Hes lazy when it comes to being proactive, hes passive aggressive, and God forbid he takes life by the balls for once. However, he loves Maegan. I guess that works?

I have done more for myh daughter than I can begin to say. I know motherhood isnt easy, I didnt say it was. But, when you are in a commited relationship for someone for 4 years, one would think that the other party would be there.

Maegan was born via c-section; I litterally had my intestines pulled out in pushed back just to deliver her. I remember the first day I was with her, I was so sick and in so much pain, that I couldnt pick her up without screaming for mercy. Alex could only take 1 week he waited until I was discharged on that Sunday to begin his week. I spent every night in the hospital alone and in pain...(however the meds soon made me feel better) He would race hom eafter work and then down to the hsopital...where I had been with her all day.

When we were discharged, we went home and I couldn't move. I had a tempature of 103, and my incision was bright red. Alex did nost of the feedings and changes etc, while I rested. That all changed.

The first month dragged. I had the help of my parents, sister, and family friend Raquel while I recoverd. I could barely move, but I was taking care of my baby, while Alex would leave everynight to go home so he could get up ontime for work the next day.

Flashforward 10 months later, Im still in the same position. Maegan recently came down with Roseola, a virus that leads to high temps, diarrhea and a fever...I was up with Maegan every hour on the hour. Alex was home sleeping. He had known that I wasnt sleeping, and that she was sick, he stayed home and slept, because he had to get up for work. This weekend was July 4th. I stayed home all weekend, and took care of her. He left Monday afternoon to be with his parents and family while his fiance and daughter were home. I missed out on fireworks and BBQs with close friends, Does this seem fair? I dont think so. What can I say? Hes a mommy's boy...and his family means more to him than his daughter apparently.

Everynight he goes home to his parents house while I sacrifice my sleep & sanity for my child. Its like a bad episode of 16 and pregnant. I feel like a single mom. I work fulltime, and shes always first in my book, no matter what. I have to ask him to come down and watch her on my late night (11:30-8), I get grief for that. I ask him to condtantly change her, I get grief about that. He fights with me, about buying her diapers because he doesnt have the money. Hes turninginto a lazy D.B.D! I would starve so my child could eat! I would weat a potato sack so my daugther didnt have to be cold. Why is this so foreign for him?

I know what you're thinking, have I talked to him about this? I have. Numerous times. I have talked about why, who, what, when you name it, it has been discussed. I have also talked about if things don't work out, shes getting my last name, and no longer carrying his. I have talked about, how any man can donate sperm and be a father, but a real man is a dad. But apparently thats not sinking in..

I love my daughter, she is my world. I would do anything for her.

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