Tuesday, April 20, 2010

23 weeks and counting!

So as of yesterday, I am offically 23 weeks! Thats right! I have 119 more days to go until August...and little more than 3 months left..but this has not been a happy road to this point! Oh no no no! Every week is a more miserable force put on me like a paper weight on a stack of papers. Let me take you through my journey...

For the first 3 months I did nothing but puke, sleep, puke, sleep, pee, sleep, talk to inanimate objects in my room, puke and did I mention puke? I was completly miserable and on top of that I lost weight. I was ready to just lose my mind when I talked with my Dr. around February and she mentioned that maybe try taking Flintstones complete (2 a day!) and getting a little extra ZZzz's a night might make me feel better. So I tried it...

These next three months have been full of weird and horrific things as well. My gas is more potent then a sewage treatment plant, I have become more bitchier than I thought even possible, NO food is safe around me...which leads me to me gaining 23 pounds since the begining of the 2nd trimester, I can't sleep because I am tossing and turning because it's getter hotter at night in my room and I have been waking up 3 times a night to pee. Also I do want to mention that at my Anatomy scan at 17 weeks I have an anterior placenta and that I will not feel the baby kick or punch or see my belly move until later on in the pregnancy like 7 months or even 8! However I am experiencing her popping and kicking my bladder on a daily basis. I can't feel kicks, but I know she is in there especially when she lands on my bladder...I talk to her and tell her "No No Maegan! Mommy's bladder is not a trampoline!!" In all honesty I am just happy to feel her move. My biggest fear is not feeling that and going to my next appointment and hearing no heartbeat. That would absolutely destroy me and I am sure how I could mentally deal with a miscarriage again...I just pray for the best everyday..

Every week it seems there is a new issue caused by this pregnancy...this week Cysts! Yes Pilondial Cysts on my butt! I can barely move as it is now, and then this! Ughhh! if you don't know what a pilondial cyst is, it's a infection in the hole or area right above the anus and is caused by hair or bacteria that gets in there and with constant weight and pressure.. the area becomes tender and inflammed. Usually truckers or military men get this because they are usually sitting for extended periods of time. Basically with the weight I have gained, plus the pregnancy...it makes sense that I would get this.. I am so much pain I have a hard time going pee, driving home (because of bumps or pot holes in the road) sleeping and even walking. ::sigh:: Sometimes I do just want to give up, but I know this is all worth it in the end when I am looking down and there is my little muffin (Maegan's nickname before I knew she was a girl) and knowing that God allowed me to create such a little package of wonderful (that is until she turns into a snot nosed teen) that words can't describe emotions at that point...

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