Thursday, September 30, 2010

Its been awhile since I have updated my blog. I usually am so extroverted, that it is hard to even put my thoughts on paper or electronically even. I like to verbalize my thoughts and my skills often, however, after reading through my 2 previous posts, I feel the need to update.

Maegan Rose was born August 11th, @ 11:42am after 37 grueling hours of labor, via cesearan. Her orginal EDD was August 17th, but do to complications at the end of my pregnancy (gestational hypertension) I was induced @ 39 weeks to deliver her before any further complications arose.

At 36 weeks it was harder to walk, waork,sleep and eat. I would be up constantly 4-5 times a night from heartburn, need to use the bathroom, insomnia, or anxiety about the pregnancy. I had to be up for work and out the door by 7:30am Monday-Friday and it was taking a strain on my body. I could feel it.

When 37 weeks rolled around I had my first 1 week prenatal visit. I walked into my Dr's office where I had an internal done (I was 1 cm and 30% effaced, still posterior and high) had a urine sample and blood pressure done. I had +1 of protein in my urine and elevated blood pressure of 148/88 the first reading and the second reading was 150/88. Because it was so high I needed a NST or nonstress trest to elevuate the baby. Maegan was thriving and moving. I believe her heart rate baseline was 148-150. Doctors were amazed. Wasn't quite sure why at the time.

Throughout the next 2 weeks, I was in and out of the Dr's office and hospital 4-5 times a week. When week 38 rolled around, and my blood pressure had sky rocketed to 162/94 and and I still had protein in my urine. My Dr advised that I needed to be kept overnight for observation. So I was admitted to the antenatal unit at Woman and Infants Hospital for the night (needed a 24hr urine collection and to keep my bp monitored. Mind you, at 37 weeks I already had a 24 urine collectuon but did not stay over in the hospital) It was a Wednesday night Alex stayed with me. I was stressed. I was big, miserable and to boot the pregnancy was soing a number on my body and they couldnt figure out what was going on, so test after test to rule out Pre Eclampsia. If I had over 300 levels of protein in 24 hours I would go for induction that night. Having protein with high bp is a sign of Pre Eclampsia and would need to get the baby out asap before the placenta would break downand injure the baby. I talked with the nurses/Drs and because my bp was an issue, I was going to be induced, just needed to make sure. On Thursday morning I went to another ulatrasound. The baby was measuring give or take 8lbs 14 ounces at 38weeks 2days along, and the placenta looked great! With the results coming in, I had little under 180 of protein in my urine during a 24 hour period. So I was scheduled to be induced at 39weeks. Finally there was an answer and end to the madness. I had gestational hypertension and my body was not doing well with the extra weight, and the added volume of blood in my body. She needed to come out soon, and by law, the earliest she was to be born was 39 weeks, no earlier.

On August 9th, I went in at 7pm to begin mysoplex (I think) to being effacing and dilating my cervix. Alex and I were nervous. The months of wondering and the ultrasounds, doctors, sickness, you name it were finallyu coming to an end. Maegan Rose was going to be born soon!

Walking into the hospital with my labor bag and holding Alex's hand, I felt elated. I was shown my room for the night and was put on IV, nausea medicine and monitored throughout the whole night. Around 11pm on the 9th, I began contracting every 4-5 minutes, but to no avail they were not changing my cervix. I called the nurse and was given morphine to at least let me sleep a few hours before I would be given pitocin.

5:30 am on the 10th, I was taken to my room on the delivery floor. God! I cant even explain the feeling in my stomach, well beside the baby and the fact I hadn't eaten since 6pm the night before. I was excited and couldn't help smiling! I was finally going to see MY baby. The little kidney bean I had seen at 9weeks is finally a baby girl and is going to be in my arms within 24hrs. A tear welled up in my eyes as I started settleing in. I took a deep breath and allowed more IV's to administerd...However little did I know this was going to be the calm before the storm.

In a nutshell, the pitocin didn't really start changin my cervix until around 5pm that night; I had gotten to 4cm and 60% effaced and short, slow but steady. Between 5pm and 11pm that night was a blur. I remember getting the epidural, my water breaking and feeling back labor as my epidural wore off throughout the night.

At 7ish Wednesday morning which was the 11th, I began pushing. I had labored down from 11pm the night before until 7 to try and sleep. It didn't work. I pushed and pushed until 1030am but Maegan was not coming out. Finally the cheif resident advised that after a quick internal check, her shoulders were stuck and her head was not molding properly. In order to get the baby out, it was a cesearean or using the vaccuum/forceps and run the risk of breaking the baby's shoulders....I elected csecction.

At 11:42am, after being prepped and waiting for an open OR, Maegan Rose Wilkinson was finally born. I would go through the entire pain and frustration of feeling the entire csection, but thats neither here or there. What matters is I got some decent drugs and she was born healthy and beautiful. 9lbs even and 21 1/2 inches long. Alex said he cried.

It has been 7-8 weeks now and she is amazing. Adding weight steadily and growing like a weed. Everyday she makes me smile and adds a little more sunshine into my heart. I love her so much.....My little Muffin!